I offer training or mentoring for sub-editors, editors, writers and journalists.

I lecture at Varsity College.

I offer a one-day or two-day course in creativitiy at Jeannette Unite’s art studio. The creativity workshop addresses creative thinking and is meant to refresh and inspire people who are already in creative fields or who need to think more creatively as managers in corporate life. It also gives a look into the thinking of some top South African creatives and a glimpse at issues in the arts. The two-day workshop allows participants to produce a small artwork.
Click here to enrol on a creativity workshop.


In 2006 and 2007, I consulted to Media24 Magazines in my capacity as educational expert. Senior journalists were enlisted to write study material. This is one of the courses we developed; it is a self-study course to train features writers. Click here to see cover.

The bulk of my training so far has been in educational publishing. Friedrich Nietzsche said “one repays a teacher badly if one always remains nothing but a pupil”. I have included testimonials from two of my pupils who have repaid me exceptionally well.

Renette Pickering, 21 May 2009
In June 2000, Elsibe introduced me to the publishing world by providing me with a manuscript to proofread. We received a single piece of feedback: that I had missed one spelling error. I was devastated! Elsibe helped to place things in perspective – something that she has continued to do for me in many jobs since then.

In 2001 I started working as freelancer for ICG, where I received training from Elsibe for many years. During this time, she led by example, using language evocatively and purposefully, explaining grammar clearly, and treating people with tremendous respect and patience.

Elsibe is always in control; always stylish; always ready to offer help. For me, she was much more than a teacher; she was the perfect mentor. In her company, I always felt important and capable.

At first, I did some work for Elsibe on sub-contract basis while we were both freelancers, and when she became a permanent staff manager at ICG, our relationship continued, as did the training.

I received this training in the form of feedback forms that were written according to the editor's rubric. The forms included ratings that showed the areas in which I could improve. My performance was monitored and improved over time until I, myself, started training editors in this process. So I eventually became a Quality Checker (QCer).

Elsibe also organised group updates from time to time to convey general company decisions and to align work processes and perceptions of them. When I became a contract worker for ICG, Elsibe kept me involved in company affairs, and always made me feel a part of the team.

Under her mentorship, I developed many skills that helped me to become a confident editor. I also developed skills that have helped me extensively in life. For example:

• Elsibe provided input in many manuscripts that I had edited. She honed my language skills by giving pointed feedback on my use of grammar, and taught me to be more critical.
• Elsibe trained me in the principles of distance-education writing, a simple style that I have found useful in most forms of communication.
• Elsibe taught me the ICG house style.
• She taught me to be alert to structural and typographic elements in text, also ensuring that didactic components are adhered to.
• Elsibe trained me in outcomes-based education principles. She ensured that I had sufficient knowledge of the workings of SAQA to operate as an editor in the education field.
• Elsibe provided constant support in the use of in-house processes. She helped me to work well within the corporate environment.
• She trained me to have appropriate expectations of authors and to manage effective relationships with everyone who played a part in the production of study material.
• Elsibe offered support in the use of computer software.
• She provided information on copyright issues.

I am deeply grateful for Elsibe's nurturing influence, and believe that she has helped me a great deal in achieving my goals as an editor.

Kholeka Mabeta, May 2009
In 2005 I was recruited by International Colleges Group (ICG) from a teaching position into an editing position. Elsibe was my manager and trainer when I assumed the role of junior editor at ICG.

I taught English second language in government schools and worked as a sub-editor at Independent Newspapers Cape. I still had a lot to learn about writing and editing when I joined ICG.

I had to shift from a face-to-face teaching set-up into distance-education editing. Elsibe played a role of a mentor more than being a manager. She motivated me to edit even more challenging subjects and she gave constant feedback and support.

The feedback she gave was helpful because I could reflect on my strengths and on what areas I needed to hone.

She gave me monthly reports on all my editing jobs and together we looked at areas I needed to improve on. She also used the Editor’s Manual to guide me on house style and general editing tips.

She taught me how to have a sharp eye for detail, how to edit, rewrite and restructure text so that our learning materials would be suitable for our target students.

After a year she motivated me to apply for a managerial position within publishing. The editing skills I had acquired from the training I received from Elsibe were very useful in my position as a project manager within the publishing department.

I am currently working for Maskew Miller Longman as an Assistant Publisher. I have a Managing Editor and Project Manager reporting to me for all the editing and other publishing activities that are related to my list.

I oversee and approve the quality of work that is done by editors and authors. I am responsible for assessing manuscripts, improving them, and recommending and approving suitable editors to work on specific books.